New Zealand School Ball Expos & Forum
School Ball Expos - Free Entry for Students!
Exhibitors and business owners read this:
SCHOOL BALL EXPOs are an excellent ‘branding tool’ for businesses seeking great exposure to this market. At present these events take place in Auckland and Palmerston North. We are expanding to include Wellington in the near future and will be returning to Christchurch as well. Our school ball expos and forums are held every year throughout the months of March and April after school hours. And best of all there is no door fee!
All students, teachers and parents are given a goody bag as they arrive. Student leaders and ball committee members are easily identified by their VIP lanyards thus separating key organisers from those who will only be attending their ball.
Exhibitors are encouraged to provide students with incentives to use and promote their services (i.e. discount vouchers, free products) – these may be given away from their stands, or we can pre-pack your business fliers in all goody bags leaving you to talk and/or demonstrate your services.
The average SCHOOL BALL EXPO attendance has increased each year by around 10%. 58 high schools attended the Auckland show with an average of 35 students from each school.
What is a School Ball Forum?
School ball forum events are primarily targeted at the students (and their adult supervisors) who will be responsible for the planning of their school ball. These students are the key decision makers when it comes to the booking of venues, catering, entertainment, photographers and more, plus they will be the ball attendees who have the ability to influence their peers in the recommending of hairdressers, suit hire companies, make-up artists, dressmaking and dress hire companies, and thus promoting your businesses to their fellow students. The average number of attendees at these types of events are around 100. We give an exclusive exhibition invitation to only one of each type of business thus giving many businesses an edge over their competitors.
The forum begins with a presentation (approx 1 hour). invites several key suppliers to address the students during this time. The students are also given planning advice, and they can ask “the experts” any questions they may have. After the presentation, the forum then transforms into a “trade show” style, where students can move around the exhibitors and ask questions relating directly to the various services on offer.
School Ball Planning Forums have been held in Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Wellington, Christchurch, Palmerston North, Napier and Dunedin and the comments below highlight the benefit the students see in these expos:
- “I enjoyed it and the speakers gave me an idea of what companies to hire and the quality of their products and service.” – A. Moungatonga, Auckland Girls Grammar
- “Informative, well presented” – H. Fong, Lynfield College
- “It was real awesome!! Heaps of helpful information for us to use” – D. West, Hamilton Boys High School
- “Very well organised, useful information from different companies all in one night, great!!” – K. Pinfolds, Fraser High School
- “Loads of useful and interesting information. Thanks.” – L. Petelo, Te Awamutu College