Christchurch Photographers
If you are wanting to hire a professional school ball or formal photographer in Christchurch, it’s vital to confirm what is included in any packages offered and the actual price of the photos. In New Zealand, professional photographers may charge for their services in different ways. Suggested questions: Photographer’s costs? The availability of two or more photographers? Working hours: duration of event or fixed time, setting up etc.? Supplying backdrops? Viewing photos, when and where? Are photos shared to Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram?
For local school ball Photographers in Christchurch we recommend these businesses.
Quickpix Event Photography
Quikpix is New Zealand’s only provider of photo stations. We offer the latest technology with our Quikpix Photostation – with slo-mo video, animation and green screen options.
Tandem Photography
Tandem Photography is a Christchurch based company with over 25 years of event photography experience. Please contact us for a quote.
Linton Photography
Richard Linton is a Christchurch based photographer. Please let us know you found us on
Dean Norrie Photographer
Dean Norrie is a Christchurch based photographer. Please let us know you found us on
Photo Shots
Tony Stewart of Photo Shots is a photographer from Christchurch, New Zealand. Tony is an NZIPP qualified, professional photographer and is fiercely passionate about photography.
Nelson Ball Photography!
When you’ve spent all that time and money organising a stunning ball you deserve stunning images to go along! Let our team craft gorgeous images of all your ball guests on a night you won’t...